Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses

Your child’s doctor has just prescribed eye drops for your youngster. Yes, this is prescription medication – and with it goes a number of responsibilities for you as a caring parent.

Conditions and illnesses

Important advice if you need to remove your child's insuline pump.

Conditions and illnesses
If your child has ever had trouble sleeping, you’ve probably lived first-hand what researchers have proven: when a child doesn’t get enough sleep they can develop problems with behaviour, attention, learning or memory.
Conditions and illnesses

First day of school, lunch boxes, after school activities... What else do you have in mind? Here are some tips to help you throught the shool year.

Conditions and illnesses

Heartburns are no fun. Here is what to do if your child suffers from it.

Conditions and illnesses

More and more teens are considering plastic surgery. It is important to keep expectations in check.

Conditions and illnesses

Your child needs to have an operation? You have plenty of questions about how he will be put to sleep? Here are some answers that could help you.

Conditions and illnesses

And if we closed the TV or the X-Box and played Scrabble? Some games stimulate mental capacity more than others...
