Conditions and illnesses

Conditions and illnesses
Conditions and illnesses

Develop a battle plan against the flu this year. Know what you will be up against, get the facts on prevention, learn tips for a quick recovery, and find out when it is appropriate to seek further medical attention.

Conditions and illnesses

For the approximately 10 to 15 percent of teenagers who live with chronic or complicated health conditions, the excitement of celebrating their 18th birthday might also be mixed with worries about making the transition to adult care.

Conditions and illnesses

Although youngsters do not develop as many urinary tract infections (UTIs) as adults, the condition is not uncommon in children. An estimated 3 percent of girls and 1 percent of boys have had a UTI by age 11. Some researchers believe these estimates are low because many cases of UTIs go undetected. Recognizing and promptly treating a child's UTI is essential because, if left untreated, the infection can lead to serious kidney problems.

Conditions and illnesses

Keeping children safe and healthy is a main concern as we watch them cut new teeth, hit growth spurts, and struggle through adolescence into adulthood.

Conditions and illnesses

For most people, childhood is fondly looked upon as a time of no worries and carefree days. But behind the façade of youth, stress can be lurking.

Conditions and illnesses

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) affects 1 in 1,000 Canadian children making it one of the most common childhood diseases. However, its existence is not well known. The Rheumatology team at The Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC is working to dispel the following myths about JIA.

Conditions and illnesses

Director of the MCH’s Department of Dentistry, Dr. Stéphane Schwartz, reminds us that caring for your child also involves looking after their teeth.

Conditions and illnesses

Chances are your child will catch a cold or flu before spring arrives. Viruses in the air inspired our dossier on colds and cough, providing useful advice on how to fight colds and how to take care of your little sneezy one.

Conditions and illnesses

Read more to learn how to care for you child at home following strabismus surgery.
