MUHC Redevelopment Project meets two major milestones

As many of you are aware, on Wednesday, October 15, three provincial ministers joined Dr. Porter in announcing the launch of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Glen Campus. Then, on the following day, the City of Montreal approved a Development Agreement with the MUHC for the Mountain Campus.

An RFP has been issued to the two international consortia—Groupe immobilier santé McGill and Partenariat CUSM—bidding to design, build, finance and maintain the MUHC’s new facilities at the Glen Campus. Following the RFP, each consortium now has 44 weeks to prepare their bids. The MUHC, along with its partners in government, will then evaluate the proposals and select the winning consortium.

Historic event

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Porter’s message in e-en bref from October 15:

“I am thrilled to announce that we are launching today the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Glen Campus and that the two bidding consortia have their marching orders in hand! Why is this milestone so important? For starters, it means that the MUHC, the Ministry of Health and Social Services, the Quebec Treasury Board and the Agence de Montréal have all agreed to a defined set of expectations for the Glen Campus. It also represents the start of a highly structured process with the private sector that will lead us to construction.

For this next phase, the consortia will pull out all the stops to deliver a detailed proposal capable of meeting those expectations and worthy of being selected. We expect great things: inspired architecture; effective clinical, research and teaching space that can evolve as our needs change; a healing environment for patients and their families; environmental stewardship; and harmonious urban integration. We also expect them to maximize the budget envelope with innovative ideas and to prepare a comprehensive timeline.

Issuing the RFP was no small feat. Thanks to the MUHC’s leadership and the participation of many individuals in our health network, we developed a clinical plan, functional and technical program and output specifications that inform the consortia as to the Glen Campus facilities and infrastructure that must be designed, built, financed and maintained. This is a phenomenal opportunity for one of these consortia. We know it and they know it. Hats off to all and let the work begin!”

Questions, comments, ideas?

Dr. Porter held Townhall meetings on Friday, October 24, to discuss the significance of these announcements for staff and patients. At the meeting, he also announced that staff can send any questions, concerns, comments or ideas to the MUHC through a dedicated email address set up for this purpose; staff can expect to receive a reply within 48 hours. You can send your emails to:

English: [email protected]
French: [email protected]

To read the press releases and executive summary of the Request for Proposal, see e-en bref from October 17 available on the MUHC Intranet site.

A number of media outlets including La Presse, Le journal de Montréal, Le Devoir, Radio-Canada and La presse canadienne covered the story. In addition, The Gazette published an op-ed piece on Friday, October 17, which is available on the Gazette web site.